Crooked Stirrups®

Made in the USA
Products we Endorse, Use and Sell.
Click on the Photos for more info

Michael Jones, 2007 WNFR
"Crooked Stirrups® are the most important improvement in stirrup technology, ever !"
Ken Backhaus AQHA & APHA Judge and Professional Horseman for over 30 years.
IT IS THIS SIMPLE. No other stirrups, NONE, are made like CrookedStirrups® angled riding stirrups. All styles and sizes of Crooked Stirrups® angled riding stirrups are carefully designed and tested for maximum balance, control and comfort using the Crooked Stirrups® secret. Crooked Stirrups® is a brand, not a style of stirrups. There are many imported knock-offs and attempted copies that are presented to look like they are Crooked Stirrups® products but they are not. The only way to receive the benefits of REAL Crooked Stirrups® angled riding stirrups is to make sure the stirrups you buy are REAL Crooked Stirrups® products. Get Real!
Proudly made in the USA
The Choice of Champions
Crooked Stirrups®: angled riding stirrups are no gimmick. They provide superior comfort, balance and control allowing you compete or just ride to the best of your ability. Michael Jones

Michael Jones, 5 Times NFR Qualifier,
2004 NFR Champion
Crooked Stirrups® Angled Riding Stirrups are different than any
other stirrups on the market:
Simply adding a sloped, canted or angled bottom to a stirrup
does not make the stirrup perform or function like Crooked Stirrups® stirrup
products. Our revolutionary design is not as simple as it seems. -Click Here - to find out WHY!
There is a Secret:
If you haven’t tried the real Crooked Stirrups® stirrup
products, you owe it to yourself to find out what over 60,000 users already
know. There is a difference! There is a Crooked Stirrups® SECRET !
"I've ridden borrowed horses and saddles with fake or knock-off angled stirrups. I can tell you that there is a difference. Other stirrups do not work the same as Crooked Stirrups®. It's that simple.
Travis Tryan, 9 Time NFR Qualifier
"I don't use Crooked Stirrups®, angled riding stirrups just because my dad, David Jones, invented them. If they didn't work, I wouldn't use them. They work just like he says they do, maybe better!"
Michael Jones - 5 Time NFR Qualifier
"I bought both Crooked Stirrups® and "knock-offs". The best money I ever wasted was the $90 I spent for knock-off stirrups. I got a chance to compare them. They just don't perform the same as Crooked Stirrups. Now I make sure that my clients and students purchase only the Authentic, Original, Crooked Stirrups®, angled riding stirrups. If you are an experienced rider, you can tell the difference. If you're not, you need them."
Roger Kyle, Mounted Police Officer (retired),
Director of Equine Education,
Go and look at a pair of your old stirrups. Does the place where you stand, the tread, have a lot more wear toward the outside than it does closer to the horse? Do your little toes go numb, your back ache, your legs hurt and your knees get "wore out" when you ride, especially for an extended length of time? Get rid of all that and experience a stable base of support that will have you wondering how these stirrups could have been overlooked for so many years.

The name Crooked Stirrups and the Crooked Stirrups logo are Registered Trademarks of David E. Jones. Hammered Finish and Pinged Finish are Trademarks of Use of any of the trademarks, without written permission, is prohibited.
©2000-2014, all rights reserved.

by David E. Jones
Inventor of Crooked Stirrups®, angled riding stirrups.
Crooked Stirrups®, angled riding stirrups, are designed with the base or tread of the stirrup sloping downward and away from the horse with the outside of the stirrup longer than the inside. This causes the rider to have....
Superior Performance
Maximum Balance
Advanced Technology
Product Knowledge
Quality Materials
Great Customer Service
Authentic Product
Made in the USA

• Crooked Stirrups®, angled riding stirrups, drastically improve balance, control and riding comfort.
• Crooked Stirrups®, angled riding stirrups, dramatically reduce riding numbness and pain in the feet, ankles, knees, back and legs.
• Improve your riding, control and balance with the amazing stability of authentic Crooked Stirrups®, angled riding stirrups.
